
Showing posts from December, 2017

Final Submission and Reflection

Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953) Web Design and New Media Final Submission and Links, Reflections Instruction ASSIGNMENT 1 - LANDING PAGE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT 2 -  PERSONAL WEBSITE / PORTOFOLIO WEBSITE FINAL PROJECT - INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING WEBSITE  Submission Assignment 1 - Landing Page Design Figure 1. Product landing page Figure 2. Service landing page Assignment 2- Personal Website / Portofolio Website Figure 3. Homepage Figure 4. javascript section Final Project - Interactive Storytelling Website Reflection Experience Finally this modul end ! no more coding no more headache! LOL. Anyway, i am so grateful that this modul is exist because i can learn how to make good website and aesthetic even yeah, a lot of coding inside. I am so grateful that i have precious moment which is progressing from the beginning and also tutor from Mr. Shamsul it self. To be honest, i am not satisfied what i am done in this module, beca...


8 November - 5 December  2017 (Week 10- Week 14) Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko, (0329953) Web Design and New Media Final Project : Interactive Storytelling Web site Instruction Final Project – Interactive Storytelling Web site (40%) “Interactive storytelling is the art of telling stories enhanced with technological, social or collaborative interactive features to offer content adapted to new behaviors in a rapidly changing cultural ecosystem.” You will design an interactive storytelling Web site based on content given. You may include 5 elements of multimedia in the website. Progression flow: • Propose idea of the website – Week 4 • Flowchart/ information structure/storyboard – Week 5 • Mood board/Concept board – Week 6 • Wireframe – Week 7 • Prototype – Week 8 • Development (Site testing and launch) – Week 9-14* Requirement: Students must follow the progression flow as given in completing the task. Marks will be given based on the progression flow st...