Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko, (0329953)
Usability and Mobile Applications 2

Week 1 - Exercise (Information Architecture & Call to Action)

The Design School at Taylor's main website

Target audience :

  • Students finishing high school, wants to enter UNI
  • people who want to further study
  • Diploma students who want to continue their study
  • parents
  • anyone who’s interested in studying in Taylors, and has adequate finance
  • international students

Goals of the website :
  • Goals (of the uni): 
    • let potential students find out more about the university (courses, programs, fees, etc. 

  • have people enroll into the uni
  • impress target audience how advance and good Taylor’s University is

    • Goals (parents) *SECONDARY*:
      • Whether the school is worth investing on for their kids
    • Goals (students) *PRIMARY*: 
      • Look for their desired course or program (header, search for a programme )

  • How good is the course (student works, rankings)
  • Find out about the facilities (virtual tour)

  • Main page : 
    • Sticky Header :
      • switch to college
      • login
      • Menu :study, campus life, admissions and aid, about taylor’s, teaching & learning, research
      • Video Hero : Take a virtual tour, visit our campus
      • Program search, and search for your passion (for those who haven’t decided yet)
      • Articles, current events
      • Popular schools in Taylors
      • Rankings, reputation, stats
      • Footer: Explore, Learn, Experience, Connect, Social media
      • Live chat (ask for user data first, should directly direct it to the live chat instead)
      • Book appointment
    Rearrange the content : 
    1. Course and program
    2. Popular schools
    3. Rating and stats
    4. Campus virtual tour
    5. Articles

    Call to action : relates closely to goals (client side : the owner) make sure you leave with something. (ex. sign up for newsletter) :
    • Course and program = search 
    • Popular schools = learn more, find out more 
    • Rating 
    • Campus virtual tour = virtual tour, visit campus
    • Articles = read more

    Wireframe after rearrangement

    Week 2 - Exercise (Business plan)

    Definition on Business plan :
    1. Revenue Stream : how you get the money from your app ? (e.g subscription, Premium account, paid app, advertisement)
    2. Key proposition : unique selling points
    3. Key partners : the one who help you as a partner to support in execute part
    4. Key activities : what activities in your app?
    5. Key resources : what type a person / job to help you your app works in "build" part?
    6. Costumer Relationship : maintain the existing customer.
    7. Channels : How you approach your customer (in mobile apps : iOS & Android)
    My business plan of my app :

    Feedback - 2 September 2018 :
    Based on Mr Kannan point of view of my final project last semester, he gave me feedback :
    • The user interface should cleaner, minimalistic and reduce the information
    • Narrow down the target audience
    • Unique selling points should clear. He suggested me to take Grab app as the case study
    • Identify demographic and demands
    • Where the tutor from and qualified or not?
    • Font Matters is not consistent

    Week 3 - Consultation

    Feedback -  12 September 2018 :
    According to a discussion between me and Mr Razif, there is more than one thing that i should put attention :
    • Information Architecture, which one information that more important
    • The naming of the section should clearer to make the user not confuse
    • Put where the location of the tutor.

    Week 4 - Exercise (Usability Testing)

    App Tester : OTO Park (Hanif APP)

    User Persona

    Group Tester

    Name : Paulina Chan
    Gender : Female
    Age : 23 years old
    Hobbies : playing games, watching movies
    Lives : Penang (Currently DK Senza)
    Car : Myvi (on Penang)
    Religion : Buddhist
    Personality :Introvert & Passive
    Interest : Food and Games
    Skills : Cooking
    Tech :Tech-able / Very Savvy
    Successful to find the parking space!
    Problem facing :
    Lost due to interface and not sure where is a button

    Name : Chalani
    Gender : Female
    Age : 22 years old
    Hobbies : play music (guitar keyboard), drawing, cooking
    Nationality : Srilankan
    Live : U res
    Car : none
    Religion : Buddhist
    personality : funny, kind,
    Interest : Dog lover
    Skills : cook srilankan food
    Tech : Very savvy
    Observation :
    Lost, scan?? go to car park locator, so hard, pressed so many things, can't pay, What? lost after using the car park locator. For a new user, the interface  needs to start with top up. at first we thought that the 10 RM is the amount you need to pay. put RM as well. Miss the timer. She click the 10 RM and she's surprise "oooo" Confused at card and transfer, indicate it as payment mode. Can use icon insead. After reload goes to confirmation page

    Name : Aryna Chan
    Gender : Female
    Age : 20 years old
    Hobbies : playing with cats and dogs, online shopping, sketching and doodling
    Nationality : Malay
    Lives : PutraJaya
    Car : Satria Neo
    Personality : Outgoing, a lil bit shy, crazy
    Religion : Muslim
    Interest : Cats and dogs, horror movies, and baking
    Skills : drawing, cooking and baking, makeup
    Tech : very savvy
    Observation :
    Panic at location not found, and then realized. Can't click some, like the city council. Confused, thought the credit is the price. Confused with the scan " What's that?", hard to find "back". "Ooh" Oh my god I am so confused. Surprised with the credit. Just found the car park locator. Able to scan and then pay, but laughed when the credit is not enough. 
    Issue :
    first time to use try to locate car park, there has to be a lot of notifaction ex. "drive to your car park", next  "you have reached your carpark"

    Week 5 - Exercise ( Customer Journey Map)

    Feedback - 24 September 2018
    Based on what i discuss with Mr Kannan, here is his feedback :
    • The method of the course need to think further, the idea is there, but i need to tweak it. (Suggested method : writedown my problem when i got a problem)
    • The icon for message, need to delete one in the side menu. Because the tab menu is already there
    • Payment method, need to be considered because the user is a High School student, not their parent.
    • For the splash screen, it looks like empty. Need to revision
    • Need to discover or research more on millenials behaviour. Then, you can adapt suitable method for online course
    • For the account and payable service, dont make people confuse. It supposed to be TOP TUTORS, not verified account.

    App Tester : OTO Park (Hanif App)

    Progression and Research about my App (AJARYO!)

    Indonesian Students (highschool):
    • Flexibility Learning and time preference
    • Cheap price
    • Fast answer from the tutor to get answer from the tutor
    • The tutor fast reponsive anytime
    Lecture :
    • Need students. However in Indonesia, a lot of big edu organization, so less famous.
    • Clarification booking time & recurring tutoring time.
    Parents (high school’s parent):
    • trustworthy. Especially : result
    • Saving money and time
    • Feedback (sometimes)
    User journey (students):

      PAIN POINTS (students) :
      • It is hard to a tutor that near home. Requires a transportation (or spend more money on transportation fee) to get there.
      • LATE (a typical indonesia people)
      • If organization, 1 hour duration with 1 subject is spend a lot of money. Cant ask outside tutoring time (e.g chat or call).
      • If group mode, the lecture cant pay attention in certain student, he/she she should divide the attention. Therefore, a typical student that proactive/requires more focus from lecture cant achieve their learning

      Action keywords from this research :
      • Pay in advance with 3 cancel limitation in one month (individual subject and package subject)
      • Refundable within one week
      • Fast responsive from lecture
      • Start date - end date (duration) for one course
      • Online mode tutor
      • Reminder
      • History session and payment
      • Review and rating
      • Chatting - calling - videocall
      • Localization

      FINAL PROJECT (Video recording of the app)

      Sign Up Version

      Login Version


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