Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953) Composition & Special Effects Project 2 : Matte Painting Lecture Exercise Week 7 / Week 8 - Understanding the Digital Painting to Matte Painting 10 Thumbnail From this thumbnails exercise, i got : 1. it is okay if not perfect, at least you know how to compose it 2. Trying until get the idea how to make it 3. Try using stroke from lasoo tool 4. Understand which element is back and forth 5. Using grayscale (B&W) is easy to transfer the idea into digital rather than with color 3 Paintings with Highlight and Shadow For this stage, actually i didnt know how to determine which one is supposed to be highlighted and shadowed because i never done this before. But, i was practicing until get idea and i got it while still messy. So what i learnt from this stage : 1. Highlight and shadow is important to create depth 2. After done the grayscale, try to use color ...