

Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953) DESIGN RESEARCH DISSERTATION (DIS60105) WEEK 1 - WEEK 4 (Dissertation Presentation) WEEK 4 - WEEK 7 (Design Research Presentation) Updated Version WEEK 7 - WEEK 11 (Dissertation Design Book) WEEK 11 - WEEK 14 (Journal Publication) Journal Adaptation Justification


Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953) Experiental Design WEEK 1 - Tutorial (Set Up Vuforia) Set Up Vuforia, Create Database key and Unity 1. Create an account on Vuforia Developer 2. Create License Manager  → get development key →  give app name and confirm 3. Target Manager  → Add Target  → create target by putting the image  →   Download Database (All) Inside Unity 1. Build Setting  → player setting  → Vuforia Augmented Reality 2. Right click on layer  → Vuforia  → AR Camera  → Import 3. Resources [asset]  → open vuforia configuration  → Global (App Lisence Key)  → Database (Checklist own Database and ACTIVE) 4. Right click on layer  → Vuforia  → Image  → Predefined  → copy paste own database 5. Under image  → place something 6. Under image  → Advanced  → image tracking 7. Delete the main camera WEEK 2 - Exercise (User Journey/Mapping) The place to a case study: Taylor's Library Goals :  borrow/read a book sleep / relax groupwork work/study in


Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953) Usability and Mobile Applications 2 Week 1 - Exercise (Information Architecture & Call to Action) The Design School at Taylor's main website Target audience : Students finishing high school, wants to enter UNI people who want to further study Diploma students who want to continue their study parents anyone who’s interested in studying in Taylors, and has adequate finance international students Goals of the website : Goals (of the uni):  let potential students find out more about the university (courses, programs, fees, etc.  have people enroll into the uni impress target audience how advance and good Taylor’s University is Goals (parents) *SECONDARY*: Whether the school is worth investing on for their kids Goals (students) *PRIMARY*:  Look for their desired course or program (header, search for a programme ) How good is the course (student works, rankings) Find out about the faci


Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953)   Composition & Special Effects Project 2 : Matte Painting Lecture Exercise Week 7 / Week 8 -  Understanding the Digital Painting to Matte Painting 10 Thumbnail  From this thumbnails exercise, i got : 1. it is okay if not perfect, at least you know how to compose it 2. Trying until get the idea how to make it 3. Try using stroke from lasoo tool 4. Understand which element is back and forth 5. Using grayscale (B&W) is easy to transfer the idea into digital rather than with color 3 Paintings with Highlight and Shadow For this stage, actually  i didnt know how to determine which one is supposed to be highlighted and shadowed because i never done this before. But, i was practicing until get idea and i got it while still messy.  So what i learnt from this stage : 1. Highlight and shadow is important to create depth 2. After done the grayscale, try to use color for creating look and feel 3. Sl


9 April 2018 - 21 May 2018 Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953)   Usability and Mobile Applications 1 Project 1 : Mobile Application Proposal Lecture Instruction Project 1 – Mobile Application Proposal (Concept, Wireframe) (30%) Students are required to deliver mobile app proposal for their subject matter (Hotel, Shopping center, Restaurants, Sports outlet, etc.). Students need to do a survey, interview and do research on a business of the subject matter. Students are required to create flowchart, wireframe and concept design for the proposed application. Evaluation: UI/UX - based on nature of business and survey result. (Proposed) Layout design that consist (Color palette, suitable design elements, story, functionality) Presentation Submission Format 1. Paperwork of App Analysis 2. PDF file of App Documentation (From Flow, Wireframes and Design) Duration of Assignment 5 Weeks (Week 3 – 8) DEADLINE Week 9 Project Progression  FIRST APP : DOLAN YO - R


Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953)   Composition & Special Effects Final Project : Apocalype trailer 8 April 2018 For this final project, we should make concept idea about earth situation when there is no human population. Here is my initial rough concept idea, After earth doesnt have human population for long time, there will arise new human population. But, the population will be back to the Viking group which is they does not have technology knowledge. On that situation, they will fight an animal robot. This robots are remain from past (before human population died), and because this robots has been abandoned at that time, it will be error and they will think that  human being is their enemy. Furthermore, this Viking group will learn from zero how to use technology and conquer technology stuff to survive their ages. In other words, after human population died, it will back to Viking era when no one doesnt know what high end technology and they will survive arou


27 March 2018 - 10 April 2018 Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko , (0329953)   Usability and Mobile Applications 1 Exercises Lecture - 4 April 2018 On this day, we learn about what is USABILITY ? and why we learn USABILITY before we touch how to make mobile apps. So, Mr Shamsul asked us to read 2 e-book that he gave us. So here my notes about that : One defined about usability that attract me to read is from Lecerof (1998). " Lecerof et al. (1998) provided usability definition by addressing relevance of a system to users’ needs, efficiency, users’ subjective feelings, learnability, and system’s safety feature, such as granting users the right to undo actions that may lead to errors. " Next, in the result and discussion section, they serve percentages of attributes in usability. The smallest percentage of usability attributes with 2% are 1. advance feauters 2. communication 3. error 4. error-tolerance 5. first imperssion 6. operability 7. training And th