28 August - 18 September 2017 (Week 1- Week 4)  
Aurelia Regina Sutjahjokartiko(0329953)  
Web Design and New Media 
First Assignment : Landing Page Design

Lecture 1
5 September 2017
Good Web Design and Bad Web Design

Before we create the real website, we need to know basicly what is the good website it self. On this day, Mr Shamsul give exercise to us for give 5 example for good websites and another 5 example for bad websites with additional reason and this exercise is in group. After we did it, we know that what characters of bad and good website.

Character for good website :
-good choice of typography (easy to read, and visually appealing)
-has clear purpose

-targets the right target market, designed for users
-contains the necessary information
-use the right images (relevant)
-utilize negative spaces well
-loads fast
-visually interesting and engaging
-good color scheme
-good interactivity

Character for bad website :
-too much animation
-outdated design
-too much menus and submenus
-too much texts
-lack of negative space, overly packed
-confusing, has no clear purpose
-dull color scheme
-not enough information
-unorganized or messy layout

Lecture 2
11 September 2017
Introduce HTML and HTML5

  • History of Internet and Website
As we know that internet is the main source everything. We can search everything by typing "www.goole.com" on the browser phone or PC/laptop or others personal device. But how about other people in old times which was not have internet as fast as know? Yes, they didnt have, but there in America, they created Sputnik 1 satellite and lauched on October 4, 1957. After that there was ARPANET who created internet for theirself and not published for all. Then long years after that the internet is can be used for all user and Timothy Bernes Lee is the one who invented World Wide Web. And then Shiva Ayyadurai is the person who invented e-mail. However, in the previous time, there was not have web standart so it was hard to know what is ideal website and the size itself. But know, there is a organization called W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and they created ideal/standart characters for website. It help a lot for developer to create new webiste and user to use and read that website.

  • Basic HTML
Generally, HTML has formula for their elements. This is the formula fpr the element

<p> and </p>

the yellow color is left bracket and right bracket, the green one is character that we use it and the blue one is called forward slash to close the elements
How to use?


Basicly, the information stand between opening tag (element) and close tag. This formula to tell the browser that this information should be show and stand as creator wants.
There is a lot of elements in HTML, but Mr Shamsul give us more than 5 tags as the basic.
1. <html></html> is for the opening and closing html and tells the browser that the information is HTML type.
2. <head></head> is for head HTML
3.<title></title> is the formula that we know what title of the website. It will appears in tab on browser.
4.<body></body> is for body HTML
5.<article></article> is new feature to tell browser that the text is article type.
6.<em></em> is for emphasize text
7.<a href="http://www.google.com" title="link to google">text</a> is for link to google when the user click it

Figure 1. using link elements in notepad 

Figure 2. in browser

8. <b></b> for bold the text
9. <i></i> for italic the text
10. <u></u> for underline the text
11. <ul></ul> for unordered list
12. <ol></ol> for ordered list

Figure 3.  How to use unordered list tag in notepad

Figure 4. in browser
13. <h1> until <h6> is for heading and close with closing tag

Figure 5. using heading in notepad

Figure 6. in browser
Lecture 3
18 September 2017
Organizing a Website

  • Organizing a Website
Key of succesful website is to organize the information logically. The first step in organizing a website is a concept called "chunking". Every website has information architecture.

  • Site Structure
Web sites are built around basic structural themes. These fundamental architectures govern the navigational interface of the Web site and mold the user's mental models of how the information is organized. Three essential structures can be used to build a Web site: sequences, hierarchies, and webs. (source : http://webstyleguide.com)

Figure 7. Straight Linear site structure

Figure 8 . Hierarchy Site Structure

  • Absolute Path vs Relative Path

Absolute path is the path that need full adress/ full path and same adress precisely where is come from that file. By the contrast, relative path is the path that it doesnt need full path like absolute path. A filename can be considered as a relative path based at the current working directory. If the working directory is not the file's parent directory, a file not found error will result if the file is addressed by its name.

Lecture 4
25 September 2017
Extra Markup and Introduction to CSS

In this day, we learnt and getting more know about CSS element and what the different of ID attribute and class atribute. Also, we learnt about CSS Embed style.

  • ID and class attribute
The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element, so it looks like different with other. For example, the website contain all paragraph is left alignment, but the creator wants to make the last paragraph is right alignment, so he/she used ID attribute. Otherwise, The class attribute specifies one or more classnames for an element. For instance, the website contains paragraph and picture, but the creator wants all pictures in right side and all paragraph in left side, so he/she used class attribute.
  • Block and Inline elements
Block element is elements will always appear to start on a new line in the browser window.
Example :  <h1>, <p>, <ul> and <li>

Inline element is elements will always appear to continue on the same line as their neighbouring elements.
Example : <b>, <i>, <em>, <a> and <img>
  • CSS Embed style
Embedded style sheets refer to when you embed style sheet information into an HTML document using the <style> element. It will work by embedding the style sheet information within <style></style> tags in the head of your document. Basicly, it will place between <head></head> tags of HTML document.


First assignment - Landing page design (20%) Due date- Week 4
 Choose the subject matter given and design ONE (1) landing page for each subject. Each design should be able to present what the company does clearly. Be creative yet able to describe the page usability and information structure distinctly. Look for inspiration and refer from other establish website to have better idea on the design. Propose the product and service that you chose to your lecturer before you start to design the final artwork.

• Product
• Service

You can choose any existing local company for the assignment and use all the information and images from the Websites.

Landing page dimension should not exceed 1024 X 768 pixels*. Color mode RGB. File resolution must be 72dpi. Each file size should not exceed 10MB.

The objective of this assignment is to be able to ensure that the student understand the important element in website design.

Submission Requirement
Please convert the file to .pdf or .jpeg and upload the files in TImES within the given time.

*Page height maybe extended depending on the content


Exercise 1 (12 September 2017) - Introduce HTML

Figure 9. Exercise in notepad (1)

Figure 10. Exercise in notepad (2)

Figure 11. The result of exercise (1)

Figure 12. The result of exercise (2)

Figure 13. The result of exercise (3)

Figure 14. The result of exercise (4)

Figure 15. The result of exercise (5)

Figure 16. The result of exercise (6)

Project Progression

  • Wireframe (which are approved by Mr. Shamsul)

Figure 17. Wireframe for product
Figure 17. Wireframe for Service

  • Final Artwork

Figure 18. Product - Landing page

Figure 19. Service - landing page

Feedback (for this assignment 1)

For the final artwork, especially for service , i made wrong alignment so Mr. Shamsul asked me to redo for the alignment and also for the last picture (the great wall thigny) doesnt represent the "package and promo". So, he asked me to redo it.

Figure 20. wrong final artwork


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